Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why the rich get richer

The rich make use of prudent leverage because they are aware of their limited resources. There is little leverage less prudent than the house you stay in or your insurance policy.

The rich delegate because they understand the rules of division of labour, doing everything yourself makes trading (and friends) redundant .

The rich appreciate expert advise because they are experts themselves and understand that you cant be the master of all trades.

The rich take chances and understand the effects of risk, you can't learn swimming without getting a little bit wet. Fixed income is good for not drowning but it won't get you off the island of the poor.

The rich maintain good networks and never break promises, because rich people who know rich people become richer people.

The rich don't pinch on pennies they save on dollars. Paying a premium for value is what enriches the rich. Paying for cheap shoes will result in a cupboard full of broken shoes just like fishing for cheap advice will result in a plethora of useless dated advice.

The next time you are presented with a new idea don't close yourself up with paranoia and passed bias experiences. Open up and ask why? How? Does it make sense?

A healthy does of judgement combined with a dash of optimism (not irrational exuberance) when it comes to new concepts is the key.

Start today. Be Bold. Trust expert advice (never listen to salesmen).


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